Lovelocks in the 1796 Poll Book for Berkshire

Published on CD by the Berkshire Family History Society
"This CD presents a transcript of the poll book identifying the voters for the ‘Knights of the Shires’ in the General Election of 1796.

‘Knights of the Shires’ is a term applied to the Members of Parliament who sat for the County of Berkshire as opposed to those members representing boroughs or other places privileged to select their own MPs. In Berkshire there were two MPs for the Shire, two each for Windsor, Reading and Wallingford and one for Abingdon. The elections in the boroughs are not detailed in this poll book, although many residents of the above boroughs were entitled to vote for the Shire MPs and hence are listed.

This is not a list of those entitled to vote, but a list of those who did vote. It includes details of who voted for whom - there was no secret ballot in those days.

Voting rights in the Shire or County elections were limited to freeholders; consequently the electorate was small. Voters could vote for more than one candidate. In the Berkshire election two members were elected to parliament so each elector could, if they wished, choose two of the available candidates. Voters could also qualify to vote again in one of the boroughs.

The candidates in this election were George Vansittart [Tory], Charles Dundas [Independent/Whig] and Edward Loveden [Independent/Whig]"

Name Place of Abode Where Freehold Freehold Occupiers V D L
Lovelock John Reading Reading messuage himself and another X X  
Lovelock John Wallingford Wallingford messuage Benjamin Readings   X X
Lovelock Francis Avingdon Lambourn messuage and land Richard Green X X  
Lovelock William Shaw Oare messuage and land Buckeridge and another X X