The Early Lovelock Family Tree Fragments

These notes attempt to describe how the current collection of Trees and Fragments grew out of some earlier collections.

Readers will understand that in the 25 years of the Web Site's existence there have been many detailed changes to all of the Trees.

The gedcom files at LovelockTrees are always our most up-to-date versions of the trees, if available, so are recommended as your first port of call.

Collected Fragments

In the late 1990s Gwen Eastment and Robert Sterry produced a compilation of Lovelock family tree fragments which included contributions from Janet Hearle, Richard Dowd, Graham Lovelock and others. The version displayed in the link is essentially that received from Robert Sterry on 21-Jan-1998 apart from the following changes:

As more information was provided by collaborators some of the fragments evolved, some were merged (in particular into the Lieflock Line) and new ones were added. An attempt was made to document this evolution by adding a Change Log to what was by then an updated collection of Lovelock family tree fragments.

However, as time went by this became increasingly complicated and the collection of fragments eventually included duplicate or inconsistent material. So in Sept/Oct 2004 a new organisation of trees and fragments was established. The fragments in the updated collection of Lovelock family tree fragments were not discarded, but were redistributed as follows:

Wiltshire Fragments by Parish

Building on an early version of the collection of Lovelocks in Wiltshire a number of Wiltshire parish fragments were constructed. Some of these were later subsumed into the Lieflock Line, the Lyneham Line or other major trees. Here is the original list of fragments together with some indications of what became of them.